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Kerry O'Gorman


I have been imagining and creating all my life.  All of my work is self taught through a strong desire to dream, design and make.  Sculpting with wool (needle felting) has become my passion.  When I work with roving (unspun wool) I am always reminded of where it comes from.  The smell of the lanolin along with the tiny bits of seeds and grass imbeded within the fibres takes me back to its beginnings on the bodies of the sheep.

My process goes something like this: Take a handful of roving and using a seriously sharp, barbed needle, I being to work the needle in and out of the fibre quickly hundreds of times until a desired shape is formed.  Continuing this process, I add more and more detail including body part shapes and poses.  Hours and hours are spent fine tuning and engineering the various parts of the sculpture.  Using found pieces both natural and manmade I incorporate these along with original art to complete the sculpture.  Many of my sculptures speak their stories to me as I create and I include these tales in the final piece.

I encourage patrons of my art to continue with the story and add to the journey of these whimsical dreams which began as a tuft of wool.


By This Artist