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Deanna McGillivary

Hanging Japanese Lantern Fruit

Metal / Glass / Wood


Modeled after the Japanese lantern fruit or Japanese cherry, these hand blown pieces capture the balance of colour, texture and how mysterious nature can be when growing.

Size (H x W x D)
6" X 5" X 5"

I never questioned what I was going to do in life. If you had asked a "young" Deanna what she was going to be when she grew up, the answer was always without question was “ I am going to be an artist.” Honestly, I didn’t really know what that was going to look like, but I never doubted it. I wanted to create and I knew I wanted to do it every day. 

In 2003, I made the decision to attend the Alberta College of Art and Design in Calgary (AB), my hometown.  While building my course load for the first semester, there was a class just called Hot Glass, intrigued, I signed up.

Glassblowing was not even on my radar, I don't think I had even seen it done before or knew it was an art form. Not knowing what I was getting into when I stepped into that classroom for the first time was exciting and I knew, almost immediately, my life was forever changed.

Post graduation in 2007, I rented studio time at the Hot Glass Studio in Canmore (AB) as it was one of few spaces to blow glass at the time. 

I would make work to sell at small local markets, slowly developing my personal style and designs. I would then return to the studio, investing the money made right back into materials and time. By getting out into the public on a regular basis, I made many contacts with store and gallery owners and well as fellow artists and craft lovers. 

In 2013, three Alberta glass based artists and myself, came together and took over the Hot Glass Studio and created the Fireweed Glass Studio LTD. With a stunning view of the Three Sisters mountain range, a day in the shop never lacks passion and excitement